
Escort Interpretation
Translation and Interpretation

Escort Interpretation

近年来,对于上海陪同口译(Escort Interpretation)的需求日益增加,迪朗上海翻译公司的口译人员能够负责外事接待、与外商联络安排和沟通、展览会现场口译、工程安装现场翻译等口译工作。迪朗在英语口译、俄语口译、日语口译、韩语口译、法语口译、德语口译、意大利语口译、西班牙语口译、葡萄牙语口译、阿拉伯语口译以及小语种方面储备着大量的陪同翻译人员。 ★展览会现场口译 迪朗上海展会口译服务内容主要负责在展览会中对产品的性质、特点进行详细地介绍,同时解答参观者现场提出的问题,迪朗翻译公司的口译员擅长汽车、金融、通讯、纺织服装、电子、医学、机械、图书出版等领域的口译,在大型展览会、交易会上(如中国进出口商品交易会(简称“广交会”)等)常常出现本翻译公司口译员的身影 ★工程安装现场口译 工程安装现场口译属于科技翻译的范畴, 需要翻译人员具备专业知识背景,能够承受施工现场长时间大强度的工作,安装现场口译的服务对象大多是中外专家和工程技术人员, 对口译质量的准确性要求非常高。迪朗翻译公司在为您提供工程安装现场口译时将考虑到您各方面的需求。 ★外事联络口译 外事联络口译是指在国家机关、学校、涉外单位、外资企业等各类企事业单位的各类外事活动中提供口译服务,外事联络口译其综合了商务陪同口译和外事接待的特点,外事联络口译员必须具备一定的礼仪礼宾的知识,迪朗翻译公司的外事联络口译员能够胜任外事访问接待、商务访问接待(参观工厂、市场考察等)、日常生活交流中陪同口译工作。 ★旅游陪同口译 中国丰富的自然和人文资源吸引着世界各地成千上万的观光者,旅游陪同口译不仅需要具备出色的口译能力,同时也能对名胜古迹的历史略有了解。迪朗翻译公司将会为您安排出色的旅游陪同口译人员。


Aside Post

This is an example of the Aside Post Format, which can be used to show less important posts. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Sed posuere consectetur est at…


Quote Post

This is an example of the Quote Post Format: [quote style=”1″ author=”Amanda Turner”]Thank you for the great customer service! I appreciated that you had someone to help me, even though it was 2:45 a.m. where I am.[/quote]


Video Post

This is an example of the Video Post Format: [notice]Tip: for Vimeo videos please remember about using the HTTP (not HTTPS) protocol and the “www.” prefix.[/notice]

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Landeservice is a professional translation company Established in 2009 that has been operating in Shanghai, China for 9 years. We specialize in inter-translation between Chinese, English, Japanese, French, Germany and any other European mian languages. We work with some of the largest companies in the world. Our quality policy is compliant with the ISO 9001:2008.

skype: patric66666
Wechat: landeservice
Email: [email protected]
Tel:(+86) 18616712703
Addr:Regus center, 6/F, chamtime tower C, No. 3, Lane 2889 jinke road, pudong new district, shanghai 201023, P.R.C.